My little Alisha Lei’Liyah is HERE 😍👑🍼💕

My little Alisha Lei’Liyah is HERE 😍👑🍼💕!!! For starters I am a first time Mom!!!! 
Our journey went a little differently than planned.... but my big healthy girl is here so thats all that matters💕 first start all throughout my pregnancy .... measuring right on time... sometimes 1 week ahead.... my due date was November 4th, 2018.... my midwives told me I’m all baby.... I’m about 5’0” so they didn’t expect my daughter to be more than 7 pounds... maybe close to 8 but they said my baby was average!! On Thursday November 8th,2018 I was expieriencing contractions a little stronger than normal all morning & afternoon .... not thinking I was in labor because they were far apart & subsided with movement!!! Well that night around 7/7:30 my SO & I had sex.....And after 8:30 that night I was having contractions every 5-8 minutes in my lower back taking my breath away! Again the pain subsided whenever I would walk or bounce on my ball.... so I didnt think it was active labor... and my contractions weren’t consistent.... so Im thinking, “Im ok maybe my body is just getting prepped!” ... well my boyfriend kept insisting on taking me to the hospital... because I couldnt sleep a wink of sleep!!! As stubborn as I am I insisted he still went to work & I was just fine! Well about 30 minutes after him leaving I started going through it lol! My contractions were 5 minutes apart lasting one minute..... I couldnt even talk through them. I instetantly get ahold of my mom & she insisted calling L&D.... I call ... they tell me my contractions are still too far apart to come in .... to time them for an hour..... take a shower & drink water!! Did that 😐😐 Didnt subside... just more pain! So I called them back & they tell me to come in if I  really in discomfort!!!! I call my mom right away.... & within minutes my older brother is at my door.....(my daughters father works over an hour away!)
He picks me up ... we grab my mom & head to the hospital!!! At this point im nervous...... I stopped timing my contractions because they seemed further apart.... but Mom said they were still 4-5 minutes apart!!! We finally get to the hospital.... they check me into triage..... asa my midwife checled .... I was at 6 cm & 100% effaced !!! I was admitted & called my boyfriend QUICK!! Asa that happens our whole family gets the memo & starts blowing us up & coming in. I was really aiming for a water birth... so I said cool im already at 6.... I got this I don’t need and meds!!!! I was making progress.... slowly but surely.... then the worst happens...  I get stuck at 9 cm 😕..... my midwife suggested using a laboring ball.. sitting on the toilet.... anything to start feeling the pressure!! I tried it all!!! She checked me again & over an hour later I was still at 9.... 😕 There was a lip & my crevix is swelling...At this point she wants me on pitocin..... but for those of you that know.. you can labor in wayer for pitocin but cannot deliver.... my world was crushed.... all that hard work dilating on my won.... no meds...just to not get my water birth. So I said forget it.... if I have to get pitocin.... im getting an epidural.... I havent slept in over 28 hours... I’m just exhausting myself out!!! So I get the epidural... and finally start to relax!! It took me over 2 hours to dilate half a cm though 😕..... thats when my midwife decides lets just push!!!!! My baby girl was moving down.... but she was posterior & not turning or crowning. I pushed for an hour.... and they start to get concerned..... I started to run a fever... my blood dropes.... my girls heart rate instantly spikes. 😕 They start to get concerned & start asking the OBGYN for advice..... after 1 hour & half of pushing .... the OBGYN comes in & checks me...... she feels through one contraction and one set of pushes & instantly says..... your baby is A LOT bigger than we thought....  then she says the magic words..... C-SECTION!!!! My world just turned all the way upside down 😕..... my biggest fear just came true. But I had no choice..... my baby was under stress.... She wasnt making progress.... and I had done my part. I was mostly disappointed because I had got all the way to 9 cm all alone .... and I’m thinking I’m just weak & there’s something wrong with me. They finally calm me down... get me prepped & get me in the OR! Im still stressed & really upset... but I had to do it!!! We start the procedure..... and before I know it.... my baby girl is here.... EVERYONE IN THE OR IS SHOCKED!! My mom looks & instantly says theres no way shes less than 8 pounds!! They put her on the scale.... my baby girl is 10 pounds 5 oz & 23 inches long!!!! I feel an instant sigh of relief!! My c-section went perfectly great... besides the anesthesia wearing off in the end during stitches 😑😟.... I’m filled with emotions though & my adrenaline literally spikes!!!! My baby is the most beautiful thing I have laid eyes on.... she’s absolutely adorable 😍... she is my twin though lol. After I am finally stitched up...   we get back to the room.... it’s about 5:15 am on November 10th! My nurses start cleaning me up and of course we’re telling me how good I did (all that good stuff) but my first nurse from the night before clmes in & we start talking.... she says your baby is huge! I looked at your charts & they put she was measuring at 7 pounds 15 oz! NOPE!!!!! I was upset..... had I known she wad THAT BIG I would not have beat myself up & would have probably requested a c-section from the beginning!!! Because honestly.... theres no way my tiny self could have pushed out a 10+ pounder on my own!! 🤭 But I’ve realized as much as you want to stick your birth plan.... as determined as you are .... the safety and healthiness of your baby is all that really matters!!!!! Im in recovery & they’re saying we may be able to go home Monday 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽.... I am just so happy my solid beautiful baby girl is here!!! I have never felt a love like this before!!!! Shes the sweetest & the best!!! 
I love my Alisha Lei’Liyah so dearly 😍💕