Break up or together?

Soooo the other day my bf and I got into a huge argument bc of a female and bc he went out clubbing with his friends which he has NEVER EVER DONE but any ways that day he mentioned and said look I’m not married I’ll do whatever I want. So I currently pay all his bills he only pays his car but I pay car insurance, phone and his ps4 subscribtion thing $55 a month but anyways I wanted to talk to him and tell him hey so since we’re not married I been thinking u can pay all your bills, wash your clothes and do your chores, and have all ur freedom I don’t even wanna look thur his phone anymore. He can go out whenever I won’t tell him when to come home. He barley makes time for me anyways and he can decide when he wants to hang out with me and when not to bc I’m always the one fighting to hang out with him And when we go out to eat I guess we can split the bill or take turns paying. Does that sound like I’m breaking up with him or I’m giving him to

Much freedom? To the point that we will break up?