I want to go to Magnolia with my mom and sister too!


I live 12 hours from my family. They made plans to go to Magnolia in Waco without me. They knew I wanted to go. They invited me as an after thought when they already selected the date and booked the hotel. They invited me 4 days after making plans.

They knew damn well I wanted to go. We even talked about going next summer. I’m frustrated because I miss my family. I want to do this stuff with them, but can’t since I’m so far away.

It hurts my feelings they are going without me. They invited me as an after thought and made the plans on the day of my gender ultrasound. There is no way I would miss that ultrasound. Plus, we have plans on meeting them in Branson for Christmas.

I can’t afford to take two vacations the same month while saving for baby supplies.

It hurts my feelings that they wouldn’t wait to experience this with me. I know I live far away and wouldn’t want them not to go. I feel left out is all. Pitty party is over now.