Big work decision

I recently got what seems like a great work opportunity, but I’m not sure whether or not to take it. The pay is a LOT more, it’s a lot closer to home, it’s what I’ve been looking for. But the stress would be a twice what I’d have now, after a few months I would be working all by myself, where as the job I have now, I have tons of help if I need it. The job also is basically capped, so there’s no room for growth. My job has endless possibilities, I’ve grown quite a lot in just the short period of time I’ve been there. It doesn’t help, the person I’m replacing there, has tried to get on at the company I’m at now. AND the guy that previously worked that job, before the current person now, currently left there for my company. So the question is, do I stay somewhere, where there’s a considerable amount of growth and money overtime? Or do I choose a job that offers me a lot now, but little later?