MIL... (Long I don't expect anyone to actually read this)

Ugh my in-laws are making this holiday season a nightmare. I am about to be 31 weeks pregnant. I am high risk and my husband and I are really trying to take it easy this holiday season.

Background: His parents have decided not to like me from the moment he told them he was going to propose. (His mother is very controlling) She let us know just about every single day from when we got engaged until we got married (7 months in between) how much she disapproved and how stupid our wedding was going to be. (My husband and I paid 100% for our wedding) Anyways, we have been together for 4 1/2 years at this point and married for 3 1/2 and it has only gotten worse. He and his family are quite tall He is 6'5" like his dad and his mom and twin sister are 5'10". I am only 5'2" and yes something as trivial as my height was a reason we shouldn't get married. Going to the movies or to a restaurant MIL would always make comments asking if I need a booster seat or a high chair so I can reach the table. We had our first daughter in October of 2016 and things got even worse. The day after I delievered she asked if the doctor told me when I was going to stop looking so fat. They would ask to come over to see the baby (we lived 4 miles away from them) and we would give them a time. Ex. When she was a week old we told them to come at 3:30pm and they agreed the time worked well for them. We woke her up and had her changed and I was feeding her so she would be as alert as a newborn could. We waited and waited and kept her awake until 4:30pm. And then she was super fussy. So bottle and I was just putting her down for a nap when my inlaws get there. They have no remorse for showing up late and no excuse other than yeah we didn't feel like coming then. She comes into our house talking so loud and getting our Pomeranian all riled up because he doesn't like her and kept chasing him. My husband calmly told them I had just gotten the baby to sleep in the nursery and to keep their voices down and I would bring her out. She got pissed started yelling and cussing and then stormed out the door because I put the ONE WEEK OLD BABY down for a nap when they got there on purpose. Regardless all this and more didn't last long and we cut them out of our daughter's life for 18 months. This past August we tried to reconcile our differences and it was okay. (We moved over 1 hr 1/2 away) and then they actually came to my daughter's 2nd birthday party this year. Which my FIL told me that pregnancy wasn't an excuse to let myself go. (I've worked very hard to have only gained 5 pounds at the 27 week mark which I was at my daughter's birthday party)

Anyways, now to the holidays. My husband and his twin sister do not see eye to eye on a lot of things. Mainly she is just like their mother and you just never know what you're going to get. She is also the BIGGEST hypocrite. My husband has a half sleeve of tattoos that he started when he was 18. Before meeting me, he was single and liked to smoke cigars with his buddies and drink on the weekends. He was also of legal age while doing all of this. His sister and her husband are very Holier than thou Christians. (My husband and I are Christian as well, but focus more on a personal relationship and personal convictions with Christ rather than are religious. We have had some bad experiences with Church in the past so we would rather just focus on building our own relationship with Jesus instead of being involved in a church) Anyways, she and her husband also thought my husband wasn't fit to be around her son. (She got pregnant in high school even though she preached to my husband about staying abstinent with his then girlfriend). Now that she has 3 kids and has been married for 7 years she is taking up all of those things she has constantly thrown in my husband's face for years. She has gotten 5 tattoos in the past year. She has started drinking and constantly complains about her kids on Facebook. (We personally don't care what she does, but just find it funny that all of the things she told my husband for years that made him a horrible human being not fit to be around her son she is doing now.) She also apparently doesn't have money for groceries or clothes for her kids (his mom tells us she takes her grocery shopping at least once a month) but she has money to spend on tats? None of my business. Anyways, we have not seen her since my daughter was born and she wouldn't even look at her or acknowledge her even existing. If anyone asked me a question about my daughter she would very loudly talk over me and tell everyone in the room about her kids and what they weighed etc. And would do that anytime some one mentioned my child. My husband is just done trying to tiptoe around her so he's just like whatever about the whole situation.

Back to MIL.... (Sorry if you made it this far into my rant about every and holidays combined into one. It's just so frustrating sometimes.)

MIL is going to his sister's house for Thanksgiving. His sister has made it VERY clear we are NOT invited. Which we were never planning on going to her house anyways. So we are going to my grandparents house and then going home to relax because I will be 33 weeks pregnant on Thanksgiving. His Mother is having a fit about our plans and want us to surprise his sister by just showing up at her house to mend things. He says absolutely not. MIL keeps trying to say your dad and I may not have much time longer and trying to guilt him into going by saying anything COULD happen to them. They are in their 50s and they have no health issues besides his mom having HBP. I wish I had the text messages it would make life so much easier. And then she is also now wanting to make plans for Christmas which we have told her for the past 5 months now, I WILL BE 37 WEEKS PREGNANT ON CHRISTMAS. We will NOT be leaving our house. And she has said she understood all until now. And now I'm being beligerent and complicating everything and it's not fair to ask them to drive 1 hr 30 mins to our house to see us for Christmas. (His sister's house is 2 hours away from her on all interstates through Downtown Atl maybe more depending on traffic) and she has no problem driving up there to see them weekly. I'm just so annoyed and over this. Why can't people just listen when you say No. My 2 year old understands when mommy says No don't do that and the majority of the time she listens. I just don't understand why my husband and I are expected to just roll over and do what everyone else says while everyone caters to his sister. And if we go against what they say or offer an alternative that actually sounds reasonable then we are awful awful terrible people who just want to tear the family a part.