74 days

Angelique • Momma to 2 little boys and a little girl❤ Valentino Lee 06/14/17 Ramiro Jose 01/17/19 Taya Nicole 11/10/20

74 days until I get to meet my second little love

74 days until I get to start this journey all over

74 days until I get to see your big brothers reaction

74 days baby. Only 74 more days.

With my first, I had no idea what to expect. I had no idea how I would feel or the absolute joy of staying up for 2 days straight. I didn't mind. I wanted to make sure he was okay.

Now, I am so ready. I am so ready to see my son with his new little best friend.

This is the day I knew what I was meant to be in life.

(ignore my face, I was so swollen from pushing 😂)