Month 6 of TTC. Guess I’m infertile? 😭


I just got another BFN after truly feeling this was my month. I just need to vent and cry a little. I feel like I’ve done it all at this point. Preseed, temping, checking my CM, OPKs, even taking prenatal vitamins every single day. I’m not really sure where to go from here. I guess see a doctor? The only problem is I’m on Healthnet Medi-Cal and I highly doubt they would do anything for me regarding infertility except tell me to lose weight. Do I need to take this as a sign that I’m not meant to be a mother or do I keep on pushing? I know some women try for years. I know I don’t have it worse. I would just like some advice or words of encouragement. I don’t have friends other than my partner and my family has no idea we’ve been trying to conceive. 😔