How to decide to formula feed

Alli • Grace 10-8-18 ❤️❤️

My daughter is a month old. She struggles a lot to nurse. I’ve been trying to nurse and pump and half the time we’d end up having to give her a bottle of the pumped milk. The other day I thought I had decided to exclusively pump. I was able to over the weekend while my husband was here to help but he’s at work today and I can’t fit enough pumps in, while takin care of her and doing my at home job. I want to be able to give her breast milk SO bad but I’ve basically been crying all day. I’m going to try to see an LC this week and I’m gonna try nipple shields but I’m thinking there may be a good chance I’ll have to formula feed. I have nothing against it, it’s just not what I wanted to do. How do I know when it’s time to switch and not keep trying to nurse? I feel like at a month I haven’t tried long enough but at the same time I’m so overwhelmed