I feel like hes cheating.

Me and my SO dont live together at the moment but we are in the process right now i stay with my mom to help out without me shed be in a bad struggle. Infront of his house is this gas station and there has been a new girl working there. They talk for hours and hes constantly at the gas station. Hes currently there right now. Now one of the girl is going to drive him home because apparently theres a clown out there. He litteraly lives across the street and i know him hes got his damn knife on him he goes absolutely no where without it. I guess if hes worried about his safety and there really is a clown then fine get a ride but what i dont get is why is he at the gas station this late in the first place. He doesn't have a car and he went and got food over there at 3 i dont get why hes there now. Im currently pregnant and i dont believe hed cheat on me but i have a gut feeling he is. I will post an update after we talk i just need some opinions on this for right now.

Update: yea where we live theres been a couple clown sitings and people getting killed and injured by teen agers dressed as clowns🙄 i tried to talk to him and he ran to his momma to back him up. I tried having a conversation didnt accused him just voiced my concerns and he ran for back up. I literally said i dont get why you constantly go over to the gas station and stay for hours at a time. Idk what to do.