My husband and I don’t sleep in the same room anymore😞


It’s been going on for about a month now. He’s military and retrained for a new job so the military moved us to Germany about 7 months ago with our 2 year old. Since being here his new job isn’t the typical M-F with weekends off it’s now on a “Panama” schedule where he has 2 days on, 3 days off and so on. So, he actually has a lot more time off but I feel like he’s gotten so lazy and drinks more.. like always sleeping in past 1pm on his off days and when he’s up instead of interacting with his kid he’s always on his phone. He’s actually always kinda been this way since we’ve met but he worked a lot more then and I was also always busy with work and school I never noticed really? And now we’re here in Germany and I’m a stay at home mom. It drives me a bit crazy because I’m not use to not doing anything but I’m glad I do get this opportunity to watch my son learn and grow before he starts school. I understand he works and pays for the bills but I still do my part also with the cooking, cleaning taking care of our son but with his extra days off I wish he wouldn’t spend it sleeping or on his phone. I wish he would have that want to be with his son every chance he can get and he definitely has a lot of those. It’s so easy for him to make a last minute trip getting up at 4am and go to Octoberfest with his buddies or stay out with his co workers til 6am but yet too hard to help wake up with his son and let me sleep in a little. He’s been a drinker since we met and has gotten better since our son but now I feel like it’s back to buying beer whenever he can. I don’t drink really, it’s never been my thing but he aways tries to buy my wine just so he can get beer and I don’t even drink! And then gets mad when I don’t drink it and is always like “why can’t you just try it, why can’t you just try it” and ends up drinking that himself too. On top of that being away from home sucks :/ I can’t just go see my friends and family like I use to and all of this is making me push him away. We definitely don’t have sex like we use to it went from almost everyday to now once or twice a month and when he ask and I say no he pitches a fit like a teenager and goes to the room to he be on his phone. Sometimes I feel like I have to give in just to make him happy and I end up hurting myself more. And now it’s made me sleep on the couch to be away from him. We also don’t even say “I love you” anymore. Typing out that last sentence alone is making me tear up. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I obviously still care for him but it’s not like how I use to and in ways I feel bad for not giving him what he wants but he’s also doing the same to me.