Breastfeeding concern


My baby 4 days old today

This is my 5th child I have never had any problems breastfeeding she did very well at first she was latched on the hospital tell me she was good and no concerns until the next day she started getting frustrated the milk wasn't coming out fast enough because it's not milk yet so she would refuse to latch on and she was just crying for hours Hospital me it was normal and that should be fine. But felt something was wrong when they release me they notice that her weight dropped so I told me to pump some milk out and give it to her in a bottle they gave me a pump and sent me home I refuse to get her formula in a bottle because it once she goes to the bottle she won't go back to the breast so when we went to the doctors and next day the doctor said we had to put her on formula she lost 13% of her weight and that's not normal I became very concerned I try so hard I didn't sleep for days now she's doing both formula and breastmilk but she still won't take the breast her weight is good but now I have to make a decision so I keep on the formula and not breastfeed 😩😩😩💔💔💔