Long Post but please help.


Hey mamas this is a long post but I need some help.

My son is 3 weeks old, at his 1 week check up we discovered he lost 17% his birth weight. We where admitted to the ER for about 2.5 days for dehydration and a few other complications due to dehydration. There we discovered he was not getting enough breast milk, not for lack of trying, I just wasn’t producing and didn’t know. Turns out I produce about a third of an ounce of breast milk, mostly from my left and practically nothing from my right.

Since leaving the hospital we have been supplementing with formula. I’ve been pumping every feeding and giving him what I pump which is between 10-15ml. I’ve been following all the advice of both the hospital lactations and my local Breastfeeding Resource Center, along with trying other things like Mother’s Milk Tea and lactation cookies. I know it’s only been a week or two of trying but I feel like Im not seeing an improvement, and I’m really struggling. My breast have never really felt full, I feel like maybe my milk just hasn’t come in yet.

Does anyone have any advice other then rest, eat/drink, pump, and latch him often. Any supplements that worked for you?

I really want to be able to breastfeed him. I know I may never be able to produce enough to fully support him but I would like to try to produce as much possible for him.