Woke up today to my boyfriend criticizing me...

This morning I was fast asleep. Super comfortable. And then my boyfriends alarms goes off for him to get up for work. We’re laying there and he cuddles up to me, I’m slightly awake and he says “you should stop wearing your hair like that when you sleep” what? Laid there confused by the comment, and replied “it’s not tied tight. I have to wear it up...” note* my hair is ridiculously long and I wrapped it up in a little lose bun when I sleep so it doesn’t tangle. He then goes on to tell me “stop wearing this sweater.” As he pushes my arm off (very rudely) of his. What? I reply “um its cold. That’s why I’m wearing it.”

He does this often. Tells me “don’t wear that.” “You should do this.” But it’s not in a loving sound or words. Very harsh. Like he’s ticked off.

Last night when I came over in my normal and comfy sweater that’s black and wore my good sweats (cause if I wear baggy sweats he complains weirdly) he says right when I sat next to him “why are you wearing that? You wore that sweater yesterday?” I go to explain “do I didn’t. I wore a knitted sweater.” He was in a stained shirt and shorts and he asked me to come over and watch tv with him. Didn’t know I had to dress for a gala when I came over...

And a week ago he made a comment “oh you’re dressing more stylish lately. It’s nice then just seeing you in baggy sweaters.” Umm okay...

I honestly dress very normal, comfortable and what I feel like wearing. I’m not a sloppy dresser but when I’m at home I like to feel comfy and I can’t seem to do that around him. Ever! Because he criticizes me for it. Its like I have to wear skin tight clothes and push up bras everyday. And just last night he also complain how I have small breasts and how that frustrates him when he grabs them because he can’t get a huge handful...

He actually complains about that. The thing is, I never tell him how to dress. He knows what i like in his closet for him to wear but I don’t tell him what to do. I can’t even drive when I’m with him because he tells me how to drive and says he has to because I’m awful at it... which isn’t true.

To end this vent. Just the other night he was getting mad at me in the kitchen because I was ‘cooking the rice noodles too soon’ in his opinion for supper when I was steaming the veggies, etc. He tried to correct me on how I cook even. I said “get out and let me cook!” He replied “you never cook so I doubt it’s going to be good.” “Well I never cook because you won’t let me because you have to control every damn thing in the kitchen.” He sits down on the couch complaining I said that. And kept saying how awful it’s going to taste. I hand him his noodle dish with fresh steamed veggies and garlic seasoning and he sits there frowning. He says “it’s oddly good. But I bet I can do better.” Omg. This is what I deal with.

I can’t go a day without being criticized.

Please note ladies. I do value myself.... I’ve been in this relationship for 3 years and this criticizing behaviour just started this last year. So from going from a healthy and not criticizing start to this is exhausting and confusing. I just don’t know what to do. He wasn’t like this before.