I’m at the end of my rope 🤬

Brittany • Baby boy coming December 8th!! 👶💙 Married to a wonderful man 💕 We both can’t wait to meet our little Cayden 😍

So my husband and I live with his best friend. I never wanted to, but my husband wanted a nicer apartment and he feels some sort of responsibility towards his friend. We’ll call him N. So we’ve been living together since April and I’ve hated it. We found out I was pregnant right before we moved in but after we had signed the lease. Before this N was sleeping on the couch at my husband’s former apartment. He’s 30something years old but he certainly doesn’t act like it. We never see him except when he comes home from work because he literally just stays in his room all the time. He opens his windows and makes the whole apartment freeze. This morning the apartment was at 62 and he had set it to 67 already. He’ll change it after we go to sleep. My husband and I usually keep it on 68 or 69. He doesn’t come out of his room to eat either so my husband will offer him food and he’ll expect my husband to bring it to him and then after we’ve gone to sleep he’ll bring out his dirty dishes and put them in the sink. I guess we’re expected to clean up after him. And when he cooks something (very rare) he leaves all the dishes too. I know his room is a fucking disaster cause every few weeks he’ll take a trash bag in his room and come out with it completely full and sometimes have to get another. Or he’ll do it more often to where he takes a target or Walmart bag and fill it with trash and then stuffs the trash can to where it’s full and obviously needs to be taken out. I can’t fucking stand him. And our lease isn’t up until April. I refuse to clean up after him so my apartment has been a mess lately. He keeps telling us he’s going to pay the power bill (we pay for the internet and renter’s insurance) but he never has. And then we have late payments and all that. Our last bill was $350 because it was multiple bills combined and we had late payments on all of them. It’s pretty hard for me to clean lately because I have bad anemia and can’t do too much. And I’m certainly not going to use my energy trying clean up after him. I’m going to have a baby any day now. And I am not going to have him freeze at night or spend time washing someone else’s fucking dishes when I could be spending time with my baby. My husband always says he’s going to talk to him but he’s obviously not getting the point across so I’m going to talk to him today. He’s at work right now (he’s been off for a month and usually didn’t wake up until 6pm and most days wouldn’t leave his room at all) but when he gets home my husband and I are talking to him. I don’t care if my husband doesn’t want to. It makes me so fucking mad and I’m not going to put up with it after my baby is here. Sorry for the long rant 😅 I just have to get it out