He’s mad I don’t wear my wedding ring....

In July my husband and I hit a very rough patch in our marriage for no reason honestly and it was about 3 weeks of arguments every single day and no sex or love period. Well durning that period of time my “husband” decided to step out on me and cheat. He found himself a friend at work and would text her and tell her all our problems, I got ahold of every single message and phone call. Although it was just messages & calls it’s still very much cheating in my eyes.

Well stupid me... here I am fighting myself to forgive him when I just can’t. Yes he completely changed and when he sees I’m upset about that he does everything he can to reassure me that it will never happen again but I’m just not buying it.. I feel like instead of learning to forgive him with time I’m actually starting to love him less because that’s just not something that will ever go away and since then I put up my ring because I used to wear it with pride and loved to show off my husband & well now... I’m just a idiot. I’m only trying because we have kids and I mean I do love him but it’s fading and I feel it and so does he...

Now it’s been 4 full months that I don’t wear, touch or even look at my wedding ring... because the ring didn’t help him & remind him why he was wearing it in the first place.... because it didn’t stop him from breaking my trust... and because a ring meant absolutely nothing to him while he did what he did so why should I wear it??? That ring means nothing to me now & he is very upset I don’t wear it but I have every right or am I wrong ???

(Quick update:

Maybe I left an important part out but long ago when we were just bf/gf we decided to let go of the female/male friends we had because of all the jealousy it would cause. Maybe to others it may not seem wrong because he was “just talking about us” but that isn’t the point... I just know if it was me doing it he would have left me without hesitation. But there actually was a bit of flirting and on a drunk night he texted to meet her, she said no but can you imagine what would have happened if she said yes & he was drunk??? Or what if I would have never found out and it went further then it was??? Basically he KNEW from the beginning what he was doing was wrong if he went out of his way to delete everything or to only make sure they talked/texted when he’d “go for a drive to blow some steam” off because of our arguments.

And I don’t care how bad our relationship got not once did I step out on him or even THINK about confining in another male for comfort !!!! )