I’m so scared!

Megan • Mom to a 2yo boy, baby girl due July 2019! 💙💗

My husband and I have a 17 month old son and have been TTC our second child ever since I stopped breast feeding 6 months ago. This time around we decided that I won’t look at my apps, I won’t take any ovulation tests and we would just wing it. Well I needed to check my app after a little bit to see when I should be getting my period because my cycle is never consistent. The day my period was due I took a test and it was negative. ☹️ I waited several days and took another one and it was negative. A week later we had to travel across the state (Florida) because my husbands sister was getting married. I decided to take one more test before we left and it was negative (oh well, at least I can have a drink at the wedding). I was the maid of honor and my husband was the best man and we had to do so much work & preparation for the wedding plus take care of a toddler plus I had to do the brides hair, my mother in laws hair let alone get ready myself and I only had 20 minuets before we had to be at the church! The word stressed doesn’t even come close!

Back up a bit... my dad recently had surgery to remove cancer from his brain and was in recovery/therapy while I had to go across the state. The day before the wedding I get a call from my mom because she’s in pain so I told her to go to the hospital, turns out she needed to get her appendix removed 😩. The day of the wedding I get a call that not only was she out of surgery but the appendix was gangrene 🤢 and she also had a UTI. We finally get back home and I visit my mom and she was discharged from the hospital that day. The next day she was out of breath, went back to the hospital and was admitted for double lung phenomena! I get a call two days later from a doctor about my dad because he took a turn for the worse and I had to give consent for the to give him a central line (tube that goes from an artery directly to the heart for immediate access for antibiotics, etc.) because he had a severe infection. I go to the hospital to tell my mom then head over to the other hospital an hour away to stay with my dad and he looked horrible 😢. I stayed the night with him in the ICU Friday and Saturday night. Turns out he has MRSA, cytomegalovirus and both bacterial and viral meningitis. 😭😔. Since then we have to wear a gown, gloves and a mask to visit him. He hasn’t been very responsive but is hanging in there. 🙏

I made an appointment with my OBGYN to see about possible PCOS or just to see if there’s anything wrong because we are having trouble TTC. My period is pretty late but again, that’s not unusual for my cycle history so I decided to pick up another test just for the peace of mind that I wasn’t and didn’t subject any possible baby to my fathers infections. This morning I took the test, pit it on the counter and logged in my apps a negative pregnancy result. I turned on the shower to start heating it up and went to brush my teeth. When I reached for my toothbrush, I looked down and saw two dark lines on the test...it’s a clear positive.... so many things rushed through my head! OMG im pregnant 😆! OMG I’m pregnant 😰! I haven’t been taking my prenatals (I got so many negative results I was just waiting for the next go-around to start taking them again) I’ve had some drinks (just a beer here and there) I think I changed the cat litter once (DID I change the cat litter??). I’ve had so much stress lately and I know that’s not good if you are pregnant!

IS MY BABY OK???!!?!?

I’m going to call my OBGYN as soon as they open. My mom has since been released from the hospital and has been able to visit my dad but my dad will be in the ICU for a while... I just want things to cool down and my dad to get better. Omg I’m a whirlwind of emotions right now 🤯😞

Sorry this is so long, I just had to get it out there and tell someone. Thank you for reading