Cheap or frugal?


Do you think it’s tacky or cheap to go to discount stores or use coupons, or seek out sales? Do you judge people for buying/using store brand or off brand?

Do you think that if someone is “frugal” that they’re poor?

Background: My sister judges me for buying store brands, or coupons. I go to discount stores and price compare to get the best deal. She doesn’t manage her money in the same way and doesn’t understand how we are surviving on single income without credit cards or assistance. She thinks we are cheap or stingy if I try to limit spending. She also makes side comments about us doing anything extra to make money like we are being greedy or money hungry.

Bonus: Do you think there’s a stigma on coupons?

I feel a huge eye roll from people behind me in line-maybe they’re just impatient.