Flu shot controversy

Lindsay 🌺

Why is the flu shot so controversial? I don’t understand and am looking for some enlightenment. I’ve noticed many pro-vax people are against the flu shot and am unclear why.

I am aware that the flu shot is not 100% effective. But people don’t go around saying they’re not going to get the MMR vaccine because it’s only 78% effective against the mumps. So why does this logic apply to the flu shot?

Does it have something to do with the ingredients in the flu shot? But aren’t there plenty of hard to pronounce, chemical sounding ingredients in all vaccines?

And yes - I get it: another post that has anything to do with vaccines. Insert eye roll or “get out” gifs, picture of your dog, or comment about what you are for dinner last night. But I do feel like this is a bit of a different topic that I haven’t seen on here before.

And yes - I did use the search bar before posting this. You try searching “flu shot” and see how many hundreds of posts come up that Aren’t in chronological order (note to admin: it might be nice to see those results in order!)