Turkish Brothels


I am STILL stuck on this bus and bored out of my mind so LETS GO

I just watched a very interesting clip from a Stacey Dooley documentary on Facebook (originally content of bbc). In turkey, according to this clip, brothels are legal and are run by the state. They even have security guards and metal detectors. One man interviewed believed men went to these brothels because they wanted to ‘kiss other women’, so Stacey asked why they didn’t go to their wives for this and he replied that their wives were ‘ugly’, ‘fat’, and ‘old’. They also said that if a woman isn’t married they don’t want to do anything sexual, which is then linked back to higher levels of religion than in countries like the UK, so younger unmarried men were also going to these brothels

However, transgender brothels are illegal. Despite this, the men Stacey interviewed spoke about how they had been to trans brothels and believed them to be better than ‘normal’ brothels

I don’t really have any questions, I just thought this was really interesting. How do you feel about this?

Find this video: BBC Three’s Facebook page ‘Stacey Dooley investigates prostitution in Turkey’. The video is less than three minutes long