Advice needed!


So I’m in a long distance relationship. It’s seriously on again off again and I’m getting tired of it. But he REALLY likes me and tbh I don’t know if I do back? He’s nice and I love talking to him but I don’t know if I can be bothered to put the effort in honestly. It means spending a lot of time online and I don’t want it to pull me away from real life, like my friends and family. I just don’t like the concept of ‘online’ friends and we live over 10,000 miles away from each other.

I’ve told him this a few times and generally try to cut off contact again but he always gets in touch again and I’m too nice to say no or just block him without saying why. I don’t know what to do...

Side note: I really don’t want to explain and then cut him off because I’ve done that so much already (3-4 times) but if it’s a good idea I’ll go for it.

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