Preganant with 1st boy😬

Whitney • Mother of 2👱‍♀️👱‍♀️ &1👶

Our prayers have been answered! Were having a BOY!💙🙏😂

But now I'm terrified! I already have 2 girls. One is 8 and the other is 3. I don't know how to come about this but just thinking about my little man being circumcised scares me! I don't want to hurt him! I scared of something going wrong.. I never thought about this until i found out I was definitely having a boy.

Another thing that worries me is that my 8yr old daughter is saying she's going to change his pamper and help out. I'm all up for her helping out but I don't want to teach her boys anatomy yet. I'm just not ready for that.

Do any of u moms have any input on this? Have you ever felt this way? Am I just over reacting?

Thank you in advance!💙