18 weeks later birth story ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’™


So.. here we go.

Iโ€™ve just been so wrapped up in being a mummy to both my boys that i havenโ€™t shared my story.

I went 2 days over with my second little prince, 2:30am in the morning which I had been in bed by 9pm but couldnโ€™t sleep because baby was sooo active, anyways, 2:30am BAM! First contraction out of nowhere, then again exactly one minute later. Phoned my hospital and because I was overdue they said to come in. I had a quick shower meanwhile contracting every minute intense!! Bundled myself into the car 2 hours later and I was on my way. Arrived at hospital to only be 3cm. But the midwife was shocked at how long my contractions were lasting and how close they were so she set the pool up I requested for delivery.

It was beautiful, I was relaxed using only gas and air while hubby helped hydrate me with ice water. Fast forward like 3 hours of being in the water I felt my own waters break (mine donโ€™t seem to break until 7cm).

An hour later Iโ€™m pushing HARD and nothing ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ midwife did her checks.. baby was stuck as she described round the U bend ๐Ÿ˜‚ but his heart rate was dangerously high.. my baby was in distress, she demanded me out the water to get me back to my room on the bed and wanted doctors present to determine what was happening. In my dazed state I didnโ€™t realise how serious it could be until I spoke with my hubby about it, all the staff were worried.

So I didnt make it back to my room. The movement of me getting out the pool shifted my baby โ€˜round the bendโ€™ and there was no stopping me pushing.. so with only a recliner chair in the room the midwife guided me over to it laid it back and pushed the emergency buzzer I was still unaware she was panicking which I thank good for now because if I would of seen it I would of been no use to anyone Iโ€™d of been in a state of panic myself, so with 3 pushes our little boy was born...

On a recliner chair with 5 hours in total labour ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘€

Jacob Matthew


7lb 8.5oz

With his big brother Harley (latest photo)

And I cannot wait to do it all again. Definitely more babies for me in the future hopefully!