Birth story.

So October 8th I was Set to be induced that evening I went to hospital around 7:00pm. I changed all that type of stuff. They hooked up those monitors on your belly and then they took my blood and hooked iv in.. well I held my breathe on both , cuz they did it right after one another. And then I got super dizzy and baby heart rate dropped and they have given me an oxygen mask so I was really scared and I was soo nervous and I mean this is obviously my first. And I’m only 18. And my mom didn’t come. Only my boyfriend was there. Anyways They gave me a pill to soften my cervix and waited 6 hours later and gave me another one and I didn’t sleep much at all i was sooo nervous. I was soooo scared. Then around 7:30 am they started poticen. And the contractions were HORRIBLE. But I had so much about the epidural and I was really scared to get that. And tjey said I couldn’t get t till I was 5cm anyway. Around 10:00. I was only 3cm. They were getting super bad. Anyways, my boyfriend sister came, around 1130. And then the doctor check me I was still at 3 maybe 4. I was dying. And she said I could have some of this stuff to relax me but she said it wouldn’t take any of the pain away. I said yes I’ll take it. I remember feel high but I remember hurting so bad still.. it did relax me ALOT. But by 12:00. I was basically crying and hurting and dying and then my bf sister was telling me it’s ok just breathe and the contractions were hurting so so bad I would hold my breath whenever I had one they were one right after another so it was making the babysheart dropped I remember them saying u got to breathe and I was trying but then I felt the baby coming and nobody believed me cuz I told my boyfriend sister I was pushing and she said no you need to stop your not ready to push, and I said well ok I’m pushing still and she went and got doctor and she checked me and I was at 9 and this was like at 12:20pm. And she called my doctor to come. Then she offered me the epidural and I said no ok this baby is coming out NOW. I couldn’t stop pushing tho, my body was basically doing it for me, and she had her hands inside me holding the baby waiting for my doctor oh my gosh that hurt More than anything. Anyway my doctor Finally got there, and I was still steadily pushing and I pushed HARD for (the doctor said I pushed for less than 5 mins) I was trying so hard to get that baby out, and i believe was 12:36pm he was born. I’m really happy I made it through without the epidural. My boyfriend said the cord was wrapped around his head 3 times!