

Mom's with or who had polyhydramnios (high amniotic fluid levels) 34 weeks+

Momma's: Did this prevent your cervix from continuing to dilate or make it more difficult for baby to engage?

Pregnant momma's: Are you planning on an early induction before 40 weeks?

Momma's: Did you get induced before 40 weeks because of no real change to the cervix?

I'm scheduled tentatively for Nov 29th but my doctor said I could wait up til I'm 39 weeks to see if my body makes any further progress if he doesn't come on his own. I'm stuck at 1 CM but cervix is softening more as of last Thursday.

For mom's that were scheduled to be induced due to the high amniotic fluid ...did any of you go into labor naturally before 39 weeks? Did you wait and progress on your own and then have the induction?

What about my currently pregnant mommy's? What do you plan on doing?

Sorry this is long but I have never been induced early. I have always started labor first but I didnt have any issues in my other pregnancies either. Should I just stick with the induction date?