My birth story


I finally have time to write my birth story since my 6 week old daughter refuses to wake up from this never ending napšŸ˜©

Anyways story time :

My due date was 10/11 but my daughter was so low and in position at my 2nd to last appointment at the end of September, my doctor was considering inducing me. He told me I was barely a centimeter and needed to get myself at least to 1-2 centimeters by my next appointment a week away & heā€™ll induce me. The baby was measuring fine so fuck it. Game on. I have been soooo miserable with the peeing every 2mins literally, the unbearable back pain, no sleep, painful Braxton Hicks, all the pressure on my lap, and not finding any food appetizing.

I began my mission on getting this little girl out. My fiancĆ© brought me a birthing ball & I began bouncing on it day and night, I also began walking almost 2 miles a day up and down hills. I was sooo sure that shit was working.. until the week came & my appointment was here 10/3. The doctor performed another one of those painful cervical checks andddddd I shrunk šŸ˜© almost completely closed. The doctor went on to say he had scheduled the induction for Friday 10/5 but he was going to cancel it and move it to after my due date because he didnā€™t want to risk getting a C-section. He said he would do it if I really wanted to but he advised against it. I was soooooooo distraught I started crying my fiancĆ© looked at me and was like why didnā€™t you say anything šŸ˜© well after the doctors arm was down my fucking vagina and in my cervix would you be talking ? DUB I donā€™t think so . I really couldnā€™t continue my pregnancy anymore like I could but it was soooo difficult for me. My amazing fiancĆ© talked to the doctor and we agreed on the induction for Friday 10/5. I was so excited. We packed our bags let our parents know .


Itā€™s 7am and we arrive at the hospital. By the time we get do bloodwork and get settled into our room itā€™s about 8:30am. The nurse comes in sets up my IV , fluids , antibiotics and monitors. The doctor then comes in and tries to break my water but there was no water to breakšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø ( a week before we had a scare thinking my water broke but when we went to the hospital they said it didnā€™t) so the marked down my water broke and then he Inserts the Foley balloon and starts the pitocin. The doctor trying to break my water was one of the most painful things Iā€™ve felt in my entire life btw. I was crying & ready to go home but I couldnā€™t so šŸ¤£šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøSo the day goes on, my fiancĆ©, brother in law and step mom ( who is pretty much my mom) are all chilling in the room and then I felt it. My first real contraction šŸ˜³ it was a shock not too bad but definitely different from Braxton hicks. My contractions began to come every 2-3 mins for about 60secs long. My nurse was amazing I loved her so much. She made sure I was so comfortable and everything was perfect. When the contractions started come more frequent I felt IT(pt2) a warm gush of water between my legs šŸ¤­ my water started to break or finish šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø the world may never know ( we believe my water was leaking over the last week) I got my epidural and was chillin . so around 4pmish the doctor checked me again and said I was 4cm and removed the balloon. The nurse was sure we were gonna have this baby that night by 8pmish. Well the time came to be checked again and I had went down to 2cm šŸ˜Ŗ so the doctor said it was time to get a c section because although I was in labor I wasnā€™t progressing and I only dilated because the balloon was helping me. I begged them to give me another hour and they agreed but in reality it was just giving them time to prep the OR. The doctor came back about 40mins later and checked and said I was still 2 cm so we were going thru with the c section. I began to cry because Iā€™m only 21 I never had any major surgery before and I was sooo concerned I would feel it happening because I was still able to move my leg and feel with the epidural. Everyone assured me it would be okay. My best friend had arrived a few hours prior and was telling me it would be fine that we gotta get this baby out. So I got my good luck kisses and lovings from my family and off I went into the OR. They moved me over to the operating table , gave me stronger medicine , put up the curtain and off they went. My fiancĆ© came in the room and I was so scared and I can tell he was too even thou he swears he wasnā€™t. Our daughter , London Cecily was born 10/5/18 @ 10:48pm 6llbs 11oz 20inches long šŸ˜

I was delusional as hell during the c section and barely remember it only what my fiancĆ© tells me and just the important stuff. I do remember this excoriating pain when they were stuffing my insides back in . I woke back up to them about to wheel me in the recovery room and I got to hold my baby girlšŸ’—

This was her before we left the hospital

And this is my baby girl now šŸ˜ 6 weeks oldšŸ’—

Iā€™d do it all again for her. London and my fiancĆ© are the biggest blessings in my life. I prayed for them for so long and now I got them foreveršŸ’—

P.S heā€™s my high school sweetheart šŸ˜šŸ’—