
Oh god this is gonna sound like I’m some rebel child😂😂😂 I’m 17, with 6 piercings and I just got my 2nd tattoo!!!! I love it. My first tattoo my parents picked out for me on vacation in Florida abs now this one, I got while on my trip to Denver for college tours. I’ve always wanted to live here and have loved hiking and the beauty of the Rockies. So let me finish babbling and I’ll show y’all my tats and piercings.

Tat #1 ^ done in Florida.

2nd tat^ done in Denver

Piercings are double lob, Tragus, cartilage and nose.

I feel like I have this like modern BOHO chic look I’m going for, cute peircings, minimalist girly tats. And soon I hope to do something with my hair like maybe a silver balayage🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways loving my ink