Friend's little brother added me on Snapchat?

My friend's brother, who is 16, added me on Snapchat. I was getting ready to accept it when a girl we work with told me it was weird and that I probably shouldn't because I'm 21. I don't think that means anything. He's my friend's brother, so he's my friend too, plus we work together. There's nothing inappropriate there or anything. For God's sake he's my sister's age. We mess with each other at work a lot and I've given him girlfriend advice before but other than that it's not like we're strangely close. I think she just got in my head. I felt very judged. Like I was being icky or something.

I have a lot of friends. I don't discriminate when it comes to age or gender. If someone is kind and nice to be around, why not be their friend? Why is that so weird to some?