I don’t know what to do anymore 😔....

Aimee • Louie 💙👶🏼

I’m 24w1d, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 years. It’s been good and bad, we’ve had amazing times and bad times. He hasn’t always been the romantic type or one to prove he loves you but lately I’ve been getting absolutely nothing from him.

Since I’ve been pregnant we have had sex maybe twice, he used to try it on with me and we would have sex like 5 times a day now I hardly get touched in the leg when we are sitting together or in bed.

If I don’t kiss or cuddle him it won’t happen, I’m feeling so neglected. I’ve got a gut feeling that maybe somethings up, like he doesn’t love me anymore or doesn’t find my sexually attractive or there’s someone else. I’ve asked him but he’s said nothing the matter.

I bring this up every weekend to him, how I’m feeling and how I want a bit more love and attention from him. He says he’ll change but doesn’t so when I bring it up the following week he says I don’t even give him a chance.

Honestly I do not feel loved by this man anymore and I’ve explained this to him plenty of times. I’ve said everything I can say and nothing seems to be changing and I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t carry on in a relationship where I don’t feel loved and appreciated but I can’t let him go........