Cheating, who's fault is it???

This is so long and I just wanted to talk about it.

So my mother has always cheated on my lovely dad, I sometimes wonder if my middle sister is even my dad's daughter. Anyways 3 years ago my dad caught my mother cheating again for who knows how long. He started to bad talk her in front of her family which I understand is not ok. It was Christmas <a href="">eve</a> night. My mother comes in crying and my dad comes in a few min later drunk. They both sit down around d my sister's and I and my mother straight up says "we're getting a divorce" I was so upset I didn't k ow what to do. My sisters and I started to cry and my dad looks at my mother and says "look what you're doing them, it's all your fault " on that day i absolutely hated my mother even more then what i did before.

A few months go by and they both seem to be doing great. I thought ok I guess she stopped her affair. The new year comes along and one afternoon during spring my parents come busting in the living room fighting, my dad is asking my mom to talk to him but she keeps screaming at him. They go to their room and all my sisters, my husband and I hear is something hitting the wall. We all got scared and I took my sisters outside. My dad goes outside and asked my husband and I to leave. I didn't want to leave my sisters alone so I told them to go to our cousin's house for a little while.

I didn't talk to my parents for a long time because I thought they were so irresponsible. I go back to see my mom a few months later and she said "your father and I are separated. You're the only one that knows." I thought I was gonna be mad but I was relieved. I had assumed the reasoning for the seperation but I didn't want to say anything. My mother out of nowhere decided to move back to her country and take my sisters with her. My dad was so devastated because he wanted them to stay with him but he I guess he thought my sisters needed my mother more. My mother said she wanted to go back to Mexico because she misses her family. When she got there my sister told me that her boyfriend moved into the house that my father built. My mother posted a picture of her and her boyfriend, I was so mad i commented and said "nice to k ow his the reason you fucking left" I got a phone call a few min later and she was crying and saying that I dont understand, that he has always been the love of her life, she wanted to make it right with him and other stuff. I said I really dont care, you're the reason my dad is depressed and crying about not seeing his daughters anymore.

Anyways I still blame her for everything, I do not have to much anger towards her but I still cant get over it.