Hes a night owl, im an early bird.


My husband and I have been together since 2013. When we started our relationship, I was young but on the brink of changing my schedule. I like to go to bed early and I absolutely can not sleep past 8:30 even if I wanted to. My husband has been lazy since he came back from his tour in Afghanistan. He likes to sleep late on the weekends and he's the kind of person who can sleep until 5 minutes before he has to leave for work and slowly get out the door. I need time in morning to make breakfast, have my coffee... Etc. he is also likes to chill out after work, which usually lasts until bed time. Recently we have two dogs together and this means I'm stuck in the morning letting them out. I've tried making agreements with him that he will make my breakfast in the am while I'm walking the dogs, but that hasn't worked since he cannot wake up early enough. It's really ragging on me. If I'm up at 8 and he sleeps until 11, my whole day feels wasted. He says I should just wake him up, but that is easier said than done. He will be up talking to me, but falls back asleep and won't remember any of it. The longer I am alone in the morning, the more frustrated I get and get mad at him finally when he gets up. I feel bad but I feel like he is just being lazy. He doesn't understand that relaxing isn't just laying around doing nothing. How do I deal with this?! Please help. I don't want this to ruin our relationship in the long run.