HCG levels


So I found out I was pregnant on November 1st, for some reason I had a dream that I was at my moms and took a pregnancy test and it was positive, so when I woke up that morning I kept asking myself why in the world did I dream that. Took my kids to their appointments and it kept eating away at me, I was a couple days late for my period but that’s normal for me. So on the way home I stopped and bought 2 $1 pregnancy test. Took them as soon as I got home, both positive. I went back to the store and bought 2 $6 pregnancy test, both was positive as well. I was still in shock and wasn’t quite believing because I’ve had 3 false positives before. So I went and bought 2 different clear blue test, a digital and a plus. Both pregnant. At this point I knew I was pregnant but was still in shock. I didn’t plan on having anymore kids. I have a son who will be 3 in February and a daughter that will be 2 in July. I’m breastfeeding my daughter and on birth control. So I called and made me a doctors appointment to confirm. They got me in the next day. I was definitely pregnant, so they drew blood to see what my HCG levels was. On Monday the doctor calls me and says she’s concerned cause my levels was only 34 and that that was low for me since I should be around 5-6 weeks. So I went back in and got more bloodwork done, second beta count was 351 that’s 4 days between. She said it went up but was still concerned so she sent me to get an ultrasound. I was to early to for the ultrasound to pick anything up so they couldn’t see anything. I kept trying to tell the doctor that I have irregular periods. And was probably just super early, which ended up being the case my third beta count was 10,955. 48 hours after that one it was 21,031. So I found out when I was only like 2 weeks pregnant. Now I’m anywhere from 6-7 weeks according to my levels. My last period was on September 28th lasted 6 days. And maybe tmi but I believe I conceived on October 17th. Which is kinda funny because with my daughter I found out I was pregnant on Halloween, and had her in July. This time I found out a day after Halloween and I’m still due in July.