TMI : super important question regarding delivery

My vagina is really tight, we struggle so much for sexual intercourse because I am so tight and it hurts past a certain point.

I am not stressed out or don't have any muscle blocking reflex down there, it isn't vaginismus or anything like that, I just have brick vaginal walls lol

Because it was so hard to get the "juice" inside of me, we did the syringe method.

So I got pregnant through the syringe method.

Now I am wondering if this is going to influence my delivery?

Is the fact that my vagina is super tight be a problem?

I was hoping that a natural delivery would actually widen me up down there.

Any ladies who went through the same thing, anyone who has a clue, or a midwife/gyno... Advice and experiences are welcomed.

PS: I tried inserting a toothbrush before just to see how far I could go and I had no issue reaching my cervix. But anything thicker than that, namely my partner's joystick was too large to get in completely.