OPK’s and bbt help please



I just wanted to post my chart and OPK’s. I never got anything darker than what I did on CD16. After that they went to faint to none. According to my temp I O’ed on CD15 though. This is month 4 of Clomid so that usually makes me O btwn 15-17. This is still so confusing after 5 months of charting. Does the egg actually release the day before your spike or the day of? I decided to start our BD a day later this month and now I’m worried I didn’t cover the most important times to BD. Oh and when I put a positive opk in for CD16 just to see how it would change, it’s says I’m only 2dpo. Without it, 4dpo. And it takes away my cover line. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Looks yellow because I had to take an Azo for bladder pressure which makes your urine orange.

So according to Glow I was close on CD16.