Should i tell them if they ask

So I planned this mini vaca for months. Finally got to do it with MANY things going wrong before we even got in the damn car to drive.

But the beginning of the vaca, basically bedtime and the Sunday morning, were great. Everyone was actually surprisingly happy. Then 11:30 hits and things start going down hill. (Btw it’s me be my parents on this trip)

My mom starts drinking, excessively. Her and my dad were arguing pretty much the entire trip but it got worse once my mom was drinking.

Basically those two combined ruined this entire trip for me that I planned and that I was so excited to go on. There goes all my money I put into the fucking hotel and everything.

Ik my mom will ask if I had fun on the trip (not my dad, he doesn’t give a shit about anything) so should I tell her or lie.

I don’t actually care about the answer, this post is mainly for me to be able to rant.

Can’t wait to come back up here in the summer, that time with my friends for fucks sake

(Also my dads trying to make me pay for even more shit like all his food and crap, pretending he has no money even though ik for a fact he does 🙄🙄🙄)