Sleeping on back in 2nd/3rd trimester

Breanna • little man born 02/2019 💙

I make every effort to sleep on my side as much as possible, but if I’m being honest, it is FAR more comfortable on my back (and I was never ever a back sleeper pre-pregnancy.) I never lie flat on my back, I have my pregnancy pillow and usually 1-2 pillows on top near the head, so my upper body is elevated. I have serious back and hip pain at 27 weeks, as well as indigestion and heartburn, all of which feel markedly better when I lay on my back. Is propping up one hip enough to mitigate the risks of back sleeping? Somewhere in between on my back and on my side? Is anyone else having the same struggle? I truly dread rolling onto my side to sleep because the hip pain and heartburn worsens immediately, whether it’s my right or left side.