😳 97th percentile!

Jennie • ☆29 ☆Married ☆3 kids ☆Scentsy Consultant


Shes approximately 6lb 12oz and in the 97th percentile! Much bigger than my first 2 were!

It's so weird. I've had BPP weekly since 28 weeks and every 3-ish weeks they check her weight. Shes gone from 60th percentile at 28 weeks, to 87th percentile at 31 weeks to 97th percentile now...

And to think, they originally told me she would likely have a low birth weight because I have GH. Could her size be from the steroid shots I got at 28 weeks? I don't eat much sweets or carbs so I'm amazed at how big she is already...

My first was born at 38+3 weighing 8lb1oz

My second was born at 39+1 weighing 7lb4oz.

This one will be born at 37+2. I feel like shes gonna be bigger than my other 2!