Feeeling more like a roommate...

Honestly, I regret getting married so quickly. I love my husband and care about him but he pisses me off so much. I’m not sure if it’s the hormonal imbalance since

I’m pregnant or if I’m just starting to see a new side of him. We live in a 3 bdrm apartment with his mom & it wasn’t until I moved in that I realized he’s such a mommas boy 😢 like BAD!! I’ve talked to him that I don’t want him relying on his mom when our baby is born but I don’t think he’s gotten the hang of it.

Years ago his mom went through a lot with alcoholism... and I feel for her. But she overcame her obstacles & is healthy as she’s able to be. I understand that he wants to be there for his mom and I’m not pissed at him for that, it’s just that he puts her first in every situation & never takes my side.

During my first trimester of pregnancy his mom was smoking while on a walk and I was livid, I told my husband and he said to me “well, you knew she smoked when you moved in so....”

He never comes to me directly when he’s feeling down, he goes to his mom for emotional support & he comes to me for the physical part.

He airs out my side of the family’s dirty laundry to her & I called him out on it when I found out.

I’ve expressed to him MANY times that his mom takes comments to far with me sometimes, she judges the future plans I have for my baby and I don’t say anything because I don’t know how, I’m too nice!!

We fight about this all the time because he always defends her & somehow I’m always the “bad guy” for telling him how I feel & I’m the one who ends up apologizing for being a “bitch”, but this is an ongoing thing & I can’t stand living there anymore but with a baby on the way moving out doesn’t seem like a possibility until the baby is at least 6 months.

In the end, I don’t want to have him choose between me or his mom because that is the absolute last thing I want to do!! ): I feel like he’s in an emotional relationship with his mom and I’m just the third wheel. Lately it’s been feeling like we just share a room & that’s it. I can’t remember the last time we’ve even kissed or hugged.

Is this me just being jealous or is this a real issue?