Lack of support.


My husband and I are dual-military, and we have quite a few problems. Today just kinda icings the cake of problems.

When my husband and I began dating he was one rank ahead of me, and at one point he was two ranks ahead of me.

Well today I got the news that I advanced and he didn’t.

I’m obviously hyped up that I advanced, but now he’s having a hard time being happy for me because his “wife is making more money and doing better at the same job.”

It’s really frustrating because on top of this all he doesn’t want me to re-enlist. I absolutely thrive in my work environment and love my job and I do everything possible to be involved in programs that assist my peers and better the lives of the future service members, and whenever something great happens (like a superior loving new ideas that help the entire command), he just has such a “this is just a job, good for you but nothing will change” attitude and I am just so over it.

I shouldn’t have to ask my husband to let me thrive or to celebrate my success with me, should I?