Rheumatoid arthritis


Hi I am 23 and have never posted on here before but I just need to vent. Ok so I was diagnosed with seronegative RA about a year and a half ago. They believe I have had it much longer because when I was 20 I had to have my shoulder scoped and they removed an inch of arthritis then. Fast forward to now and we are struggling to find something that works. I was on sulfasalazine for a long time and it worked great but made my liver enzymes go up so they had to take me off... My biggest thing is my parents treat me as if I'm just lazy. They always tell me I need to toughen up or that I just need to get over it. Some days just getting out of bed in the morning is a struggle. My husband is amazing and so very supportive but I feel bad always having to lean on him. When I have really bad days he helps me with anything I need. I just wish that my own parents would understand that what I'm going through is real. The pain is real and severe especially right now as we are trying to find something that works. Also I have really bad anxiety and depression and it's very hard not to get depressed when you wake up every day in pain... Ok I'm done thanks for reading my post I just needed to get it off my chest....