Baby shower woes

So my friend and mom (she lives out of town but is trying to help!) are co-hosting a baby shower for me next weekend. I was asked to make a guest list awhile back and so I went through and invited my close friends, a few co workers, my MIL and a few of my husbands friends spouses that I’ve met numerous times. However, today my husband asks if his childhood friends mother was invited and I said no. To be honest I didn’t even think about inviting her because I’ve only met her once at our wedding and it lasted about five seconds. Very nice lady but it just didn’t even occur to me because I barely know her and it’s not like my husband is even going to be at the shower. Anyhow, I told him that I read the names of the list awhile back and he didn’t pay any attention to it, which only spurred another fight about how he is busy with work, contractors, etc....(ahem I work and go to school and am carrying your child around!) anyhow, I feel badly because had I known he wanted her to get an invitation I would’ve happily sent her one. Ughhh... so I guess my question is.... are you ladies inviting your husbands friends moms to your baby shower? I feel like a bad wife and I’m hormonal 🙈

Sorry for long post!