Narcissistic relationship- do I leave??

So I’ve been with my SO for 3 years. We live together now and our lease is up the end of January. He wants to resign but I’m contemplating breaking up 😭

We fight ALL the time to the point that he is verbally abusive. Calling me names, accuses me of cheating, talking to me horribly, etc. Recently he’s even blamed me for the way he talks to me. Saying he was frustrated with me or he never gets his alone time which causes him to blow up on me. however, when we have good times, it’s really good. It’s like hes my best friend.

For example, we recently fought over pepper. Yes, pepper. We were baking pumpkin seeds and he decided he didn’t want pepper on them. So I put the pepper away. The “way” I put the pepper away bothered him (I honestly just put it away) so he started yelling at me, called me names, and then pretended to smash our pumpkins in the backyard (we were just about to carve them). The night when on and on, it didn’t stop there.

The reason I’m hesitant with breaking up is because he says he’s so in love with me and he wants to try for a baby and buy a house together. Plus I dont want to blindside him by not resigning the lease when he has no where to go.

I know I sound stupid. I just don’t want to hurt him. Its going to break my heart to break his. Advice please??

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