My Daugthers Mom Is The Sweetest 🖤😭

Brittney • Angel Cat Mama, Mommy To A Beautiful Angel Girl 12.06.17 💛 Angel Mom 3.25.22👼 💙 Photographer 📸📷

**sorry I didn't know where to post this so it's in 2 different groups**

So a year ago on December 6th I had my surgery to remove my Baby & Tube because it was an Ectopic Pregnancy. Well a month after my beautiful daughter that came before I met her, her mother got pregnant & not wanting to hurt my feelings or make me feel bad she hid her pregnancy up until she had the beautiful little girl 7 wks early in August. I told her thank you but she didn't have to hide it at all. Yes I would've been heart broken but I'd also be happy for her. But 7wks after the baby was born October 8th she died from SIDS. That was a horrible day for both of us because we called her The Mother of course and me The Other Mother 🖤 but not the bad other mother like in Coraline lol. But back to the other stuff. Over the past 5 years we've had our ups & downs but the past 3 1/2 we've become so close like sisters. Well earlier today I have had enough of people telling me "Oh Things Happen For A Reason" When they ask me what's wrong and I tell them or try talking to them about what happened a year ago. So I made a LONG post on FB explaining why I won't be on for a long time and they can just text or call me if they want to. As soon as I logged out I was about to do it to messenger also but then her mom messaged me telling me they'll be in town tomorrow an we can get together and talk. Also do Thanksgiving together the next day. But she said she knew it was coming up on a year and she was scrolling through a group we are both in and saw this photo and had been debating if she should send it or not.

When she sent it I cried I mean one of those nasty ugly cries women hate to do lol. But my husband daughter& I we named our Baby Avery because our doctor did some testing and found out our baby was gonna be a girl. I just had to share this. Not all Bio Moms are Bitches & Not all Step Moms are Witches or Mean or Evil.

She's the one in the black&white shirt and I'm the short one. She made this photo when I took them back home after Hurricane Florence came through their town and ours.

This is the beauty queen we share. Sorry only photo I have of her on my phone right now with a 5 wk difference photo of me after starting a new job after she helped me get out of my babysitting job because they were trash talking babygirl & I.

In this photo the 2 top ones are my nieces and babygirl and then my oldest niece and I.

We are

One 🖤

Big 🖤

Happy 🖤

Dysfunctional 🖤

Family 🖤