Why are my glasses doing this? 👓

I just got some new glasses and when I look through the bottom of the lenses, like if I'm walking and I glance downward, everything looks a little distorted. I don't have that problem when I'm looking forward or glance upward, it's only the bottom of my lenses. Is this normal? Why is it like this?

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Posted at
Do you have bifocals? I think that’s what it’s called? Maybe that’s what this is


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Your lenses are made to fit where your pupils naturally sit and see out of, which would be forward


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Idk I’ve never had that issue when I have my glasses on, I don’t think that’s right


Posted at
Because the bottom of the lens is stronger than the middle. Not sure why… I have a friend who works at in an I doctors office who explained this to me, but I can’t remember why she said it happens. But generally that’s why… Because the bottom part of the lens is stronger if you have an issue with it, and you don’t get used to it, talk to your eye doctor again.


Mo • Nov 21, 2018
* at an eye doctor


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Did you get any special treatments done to them? I usually get the works (changes tint in the sunlight, anti glare, etc) and it takes some time for my eyes to adjust. At first they can pick up the little lines and color changes in the lenses.


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First time wearing glasses? New prescription?