Getting pointlessly annoyed.. but.. your 38w baby wasn’t premature!!!

I know I shouldn’t get angry over something someone says, I really do. But today I had a friend of a friend tell me that she “understands the struggle” of birthing a premature baby because her daughter was also born premature and totally shocked her when she decided to arrive at 38 weeks, weighing ONLY 6lbs 9oz, and they had to stay at the hospital overnight- isn’t the wait to go home just awful?! I nearly lost it.

Your baby wasn’t premature.

I know I shouldn’t get wound up and I should just let it go over my head but having a baby born at 30w, weighing 2lbs 8oz, and spending weeks in the hospital does NOT compare to having your baby born 2 weeks earlier than planned and spending one night away from home. I know each case is different and I’m not dismissing that there may have been trauma or problems or anything like that, but it’s not the same.

It’s like saying you’re deaf when really you just have bad hearing. Like saying you’re blind when you just need glasses.

Being a mom is hard. Being a mom to a baby born so tiny that they have to fight to live is terrifying.

It just feels like someone saying their baby was born premature at 38w, weighing 6lbs something & going home after two days degrades how hard actual prem babies have to work just to live, just to spend one less day in an incubator, just to be able to go home.

People don’t realise unless they’ve lived it.

Rant over 😒