Realizing I'm too dependent on him

My bf is in the army he has about 2 yrs left. I've never felt like this in any relationship before but maybe it's because this is my first LDR. I know it's normal for me to miss him and for him to be on my mind but I'm beginning to accept that maybe I'm getting too dependent on him emotionally. I stop myself from doing certain things because it's either something I want to do with him or I'm just too depressed to do it.

None of this is his fault. He always encourages me to do things. He's always a happy guy and that's how I know I'm not normal because even though he's sad that were not together he still goes out and does what he wants and is happy.

We have been together for 1 1/2 yrs. I guess I'm going through a tougher time now because it's the holidays.

I just feel a little lost right now and I don't want to be a pathetic gf just waiting on a man.

What are some tips to help me be less dependent on him. I work and try to stay busy but I feel like that's not enough. I have no one to talk to about this ..