5 weeks!


It hasn’t been long but I’m so proud of us for making it to 5 weeks of breastfeeding! My daughter had super high levels of jaundice 4 days after she was born and we spent a total of 10 days in the hospital doing photo therapy with double lights. I had to have a vacuum assisted birth and it caused a bump on her head which was essentially a blood pocket. Even with the traumatic birth + blood pocket + family history of jaundice due to traumatic birth the paediatricians said it was breastfeeding jaundice and I had to supplement with formula (she was still peeing with every feed and pooping lots) it was such a scary experience being told less than 1% of babies get levels over 360 and then being told I had to use formula I was devastated. I was determined to be able to keep breastfeeding and after using a bit of formula my supply almost completely dried up. I thank my midwives so much for reassuring me that breasts are forgiving and I’d be able to get my milk back to where it was. It took me about a week and it was so stressful but we’re happily back in our breastfeeding routine and I’m soooo proud of us. I love being able to fill my little girl’s belly with milk my body made for her