For those of you with MIL drama


I see a lot of posts about this subject and I want to share my experience and how I handled it.

Let's start with some things you should know that I learned about my mother in law. #1 she abused my husband, did hardcore drugs, dated men that abused my husband and she favored my husbands half brother and would make them fight each other (she would instigate )

#2 my husband was working at the age of 11 just to keep a roof over their heads and food on table because she is lazy and again was on drugs

#3 she is still looking for ways to not work.

#4 she is a manipulator and attention whore.

Okay, now let me tell you what she did to me, when my husband and I were dating she acted like I was th best. But when he put a ring on my finger she began putting me down, ignoring me, and any little thing with me she tried to make difficult. Example number 1: our wedding. My husband moved 4 hours to move in with me and make a better life for himself and his daughter (my step daughter). I know being 4 hours away would make it hard to do things, so first thing I asked my SIL if she wanted to be a bridesmaid, and guess what my MIL bitched me out because according to her "I should've asked her permission to ask my SIL to be a bridesmaid " then when it came to the dress I offered to pay for it but I asked her is she would take my SIL shopping for the dress and I would give them my card info over the phone. She told me many times she would and never did, then she was constantly calling my husband to bitch saying it's my job to go shopping with my SIL since I'm the bride. So by the time I could even go it was a month before our wedding and she had to just take what she could get and my MIL had the audacity to complain about the dress! If that wasn't bad enough she didn't do anything for our wedding my family did everything, and she told me 2 weeks before my wedding that they were not even coming to the rehearsal and all I asked her was to have my SIL at the church 1 hour before to take pictures and she says " well I don't know, and what do you want from me I don't know how to be a MIL" all I told her was I wanted us to respect each other only because at that point I was done trying. Then at my wedding a family friend was there she did not like and she barges in the bathroom where I'm finishing getting ready already emotional just to tell me that if she got into a fight not to be surprised.......

Now at this point we had limited contact I didn't have to talk to her unless we were down there and the only time we went down there was to get my step daughter and for him to see his sister.

But then she did something to where I had no reason but to put my foot down. Now remember I mentioned I have a step daughter. My husband was in the Marines and while away his ex wife was cheating on him. Obviously he divorced her when he found this out (she was doing other things, but that was the main thing) and when I tell you my MIL talked mad shit about her to me I mean she said horrible things about her to me. However, my MIL is a manipulator and does things that hurt others to benefit herself. So my MIL husband got arrested for molestation of my SIL, this meant my MIL would need to get a job but she wasn't gonna let that happen. So all of a sudden I see on social media her calling my husbands ex (the one she talks shit about , the one that did her own son wrong) her daughter and then I find out she has moved my husbands ex into her house and promised her if she paid all the bills she would eventually give her the house! This is where I drew a line and not just because that's a huge smack in the face to me but it's a huge smack to my husband and she knew we are in the process of court trying to get custody but that's another story on why and everything. This is where I lost it and I told her that I was done with her, and that I will never let a child of mine (we were ttc at the time ) see me get disrespected or be involved with basically a bad influence. My husband backed me up. Now side note I told him he could still have something to do with her it is his mom but that I was done putting up with it. And also I was the bigger person and reached out to try to explain to her why I was hurt and apologize for some of what I said and I got nothing.

Fast forward to today, he has no communication with her, she got into big legal trouble and cut contact with my husband and her own father because she can not manipulate them and they would do the right thing if they were asked in court. She also turned my husbands sister against him. I got pregnant in February, I know she knew because I told my SIL just to reach out, and she may have blocked me on fb but her and my mom are friends on their because I told my mom if she was gonna spy on me somehow I'd rather it be through someone who has my back. And my mom posted about my baby and she would "like" posts. She had 9 months to reach out she had 9 months to give a damn about my son who is supposed to be her grandchild and here he is almost 2 months and nothing. But my husbands brother had a baby with his mistress a few months before me and she's all about that baby.

So how do I handle it, I don't she's nothing to me or my son and right now to my husband as well, she's out there looking for a sugar daddy or someway to evade jail and getting a job and that's fine, she will pay for her sins when the time comes. In fact this is the first time in a year I've mentioned her. And as far as I'm concerned if she reached out now I could forgive her but that's all she will have nothing to do with our son she had 9 months to make that right. And when the time comes I will explain to my son all this and he can choose to meet her or not.

The bottom line is don't take shit from an MIL. Now I'm a little lucky since my husband is on my side and all I know a lot of you do not have that. But if he's not gonna stand up for you stand up for yourself! And if he don't like it he needs to reevaluate his priorities.

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Posted at
I’m so sorry you had to go through that. She seems like a hot mess. It’s a good thing you setting boundaries and are sticking to them for not only your family but for yourself.


Autumn • Dec 3, 2018
Thank you!