I seriously hate my mom sometimes

Alicia • 22• Michigan

We have people working on our roof so we have to take my dog out on a leash so he doesn’t get in their way. Well I woke up and had to get straight into class (online school) so I couldn’t and she did. She does not really like animals but first off she went to talk to the dudes not even letting him use the bathroom, she was holding the leash up to where it was pulling in his collar and probably choking him. And he tends to bark at people so he barked at the people in the van and jumped. My mom yanked his leash up. And he barked again so she grabbed his snout really tight. I’m watching all this from my window. So I run downstairs and put my boots out and she’s like “give me a bag for his poop” and I take the leash from her and proceed to yell at her for the way she was handling him. She really pisses me off sometimes. If she would of just waited, I was gonna step away from class to take him out. And she did it infront of the guys too. Like wtf.


Alright first things first. I haven’t done anything wrong here except venting about being frustrated about my mom mistreating my dog. I’m gonna address all of her words here. Taking care of my dog, is not a chore for me. I take care of him because he can’t take care of himself and I love him to death. She never asked me to, just assumed I wasn’t going to cuz I was about to be in class. My mom isn’t a considerate person. Just wanna put out there. She mistreats both of us. But I could care less about me, I care about my dog. I was never anxious. I looked outside cuz first I have no blinds so all I gotta do is look and I can see, and also I saw her walking and wanted to see if my boy was with her. Don’t tell me what I should of done. I had just woken up, and had a headache so I was in that “just woken up” fog. It is obvious that she doesn’t like taking care of my dog. Cuz she doesn’t like animals and I’ll post what I responded to her with here

My mom has had other dogs before. Way before I came along. She knows how to take care of them. My mom is a selfish person. Everything has to be her way or the highway (she actually said that last night and she wasn’t joking). Also she’s 50. She isn’t stupid. She knows how to take care of an animal. I’m not gonna repeat what I’ve posted in the comments cuz they are already there and you can read how I feel. You shouldn’t do that stuff with your dog just cuz he’s barking or pulling. What I do when he’s jumping and barking. I grab his collar and tell him to sit. And I say things like “shhh stop barking. Stop it”. When he’s pulling I stop walking and do that till he figures out he needs to stop pulling. When I said yanking him up, she pulled the leash up so his front paws were up off the ground all the way up like he’s standing. Sorry but that is abuse. And I wanted to vent. I may sound like a bitch, but I hate it when people defend shit like that, without knowing anything about anything. Here’s my handsome boy

I take care of him, feed him, let him out, brush him. All the things. Sometimes she lets him out but all that is is opening the door for him. We only had to take him on the leash cuz there was possibly nails in the yard and there was a bunch of people so he couldn’t be off the leash running around. Yes while she does those things I protect him. If she ever does that i get between them. Yea I could move in with someone else but I stay cuz if I can’t take him with me I’d rather suffer for him. I’m turning 18 in 6 months. So yea. Thanks for listening to my rant.