Update!!! Did he change? Or is it me? Cheating???

What are some of the things that make you question your SO’s loyalty? My SO recently did something that he’s never done and I found myself wondering if he was cheating? In the 7 years we have been together that thought has never crossed my mind. Im curious as to what all of a sudden changed? Me or him? Ok, so we share a laptop, yesterday he went to work and left it. I simply moved it because I was cleaning and when he came home he frantically looked for it and asked if I was using his Facebook. I said no and that was it. We went about our day. This morning I noticed he had deleted his Facebook completely. When I asked him about it he played it off and again we just went about our day. Now I’m really wondering what is up? Now usually I don’t think twice but something is definitely off. So am I wrong for being worried or is it simply intuition? What signs do you ladies look for?


For those of you that replied, thank you! I finally got my answers! Before I get into it, I would like to address your questions. Yes, we share a laptop. I mainly use it for emails and online shopping. He has it for most of the time, usually leaving his accounts signed in. Now, when you have been with your SO for so long you come to know them very well. I new things felt different and there was something off for-sure. No specific thing or feeling just that he was not the same and WE were not the same after this Facebook incident. So last night we had our usual Friday night date night, he seemed jumpy nervously looking at his phone constantly and stepping out of the room if i came around. I thought, ok he’s definitely cheating i gotta confront him. 😭 😡 I figured I would bring it up during dinner while we were out so he would have no choice but to talk about it without walking away and truthfully to control myself because at this point I wanted to really confront him. We get to our usually spot and I can’t do it. I just can’t bring myself to bring it up because I know once I do my whole life will change and our perfect life together will be over. Halfway through our dinner he starts to talk and I can tell hes about to tell me what I already know 😭 He apologizes for being distant, for acting different and I can hear his voice crack, I start to cry. I can’t believe after 7 years together this is how it’s gonna end. He Continues to talk but I can no longer hear him over my cries and At some point I look over to see him next to me on one knee!!! Im engaged! Im engaged! Im engaged!

I can’t even explain the confusion, excitement, disbelief and shock I felt. I just cried harder and harder slightly mortified I was making a scene.

So that happened! Im still in disbelief. Just a couple of days ago I thought for sure I was going to have to move out and restart my life. Now, I’m happier than I can even explain. Sorry for the long story ladies but I had to let you know that I was so so wrong and sometimes you shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

Basically, he was using Facebook to message my sisters for their advice on the ring. We all know that once you look something up on your computer adds constantly bombard you with similar items specially on Facebook. He wanted to make sure I would have no clue. He showed me the messages wasn’t hurt at all that I would even think he would cheat. I however am sad I sort of ruined it by convincing myself he was without any evidence. Any way thank you all for reading this far.