Am I letting my emotions get to me??

Hey guys so I’m really upset. I’m 3 1/2 months pregnant and been dating my bf for about 3 years. He travels occasionally and every time he leaves we spend the night before together. (We live separately) so tonight he was supposed to come over because he leaves tomorrow for the weekend and I am really upset with him. I always do a lot for him and I’m upset that because he’s “too tired” he can’t just drive 20 mins to sleep next to me. He did work late tho.

No need for mean comments. But I just need to know am I being selfish as overly emotional or is it okay to be annoyed/upset with him?

Also we haven’t had sex in a bout a week. So idk if that’s making me over think like he is distancing himself. Like I’d feel that wouldn’t he want to have sex before he left for the weekend? Or am I acting crazy lol